Many projects needs keypads, the common 4×4 keypad has sixteen keys (hex input). To construct this…
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Accelerometer sensor arduino schematics
The accelerometer is a MEMS sensor, it measures acceleration in two different units including meters per…
Continue ReadingGyroscope L3G4200D arduino schematic
L3G4200D the triple axis gyroscope is one of the MEMS sensor, this sensor is inexpensive and…
Continue ReadingProximity (GP2Y0A21YK ) distance Sensor with Arduino
The IR (Infra Red) proximity sensor or distance sensor has two elements one is IR emitter…
Continue ReadingHumidity Sensor with Arduino
For humidity and temperature reading the DHT22 sensor will be…
Continue ReadingPhotocell (LDR) Sensor with Arduino
LDR (light depended resistor) or photocell sensor, when the light falls on this sensor resistance across…
Continue ReadingPIR Sensor with Arduino
The PIR (Passive Infrared) sensor widely used for motion detection applications. This is suitable for low…
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