Difference Between ESP32 and ESP8266

ESP32 and ESP8266 are popular microcontrollers developed by ESpressif Systems. These two are holding important position…

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Full Wave Bridge Rectifier Circuit

Full wave bridge rectifier circuit diagram is widely used in AC to DC converter and DC…

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Flyback Controller with Zero Voltage Switching

Growing hand held electronic devices demanding fast charging in minimum time. Minimizing internal circuit voltage loss…

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Nanopower quiescent current Voltage Regulator

A new jaw dropping device from Texas instrument (ti) released few weeks ago, TPS7A02 Nanopower quiescent…

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Zener Diode Voltage Regulator Circuit

Simple Zener Diode Voltage Regulator Circuit designed to give 5 volt output from 9 volt input,…

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Ultra small form factor Low Power Ethernet Physical Layer Transceiver

Ultra small form factor Low Power Ethernet Physical Layer Transceiver IC from Texas instrument (ti) released…

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Colpitts Oscillator Circuit

Many electronic circuits and microprocessor or microcontroller require a source of signal with specific frequency and…

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Hartley oscillator Circuit

As we know many electronic circuits and microcontrollers require a source of signal with specific frequency…

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RC phase shift Oscillator Circuit

We know the Oscillator is a electronic circuit which produce sinusoidal or non sinusoidal wave with…

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Negative Voltage Generator Circuit

Every circuit needs perfect bias supply to perform well and some times Integrated circuits or special…

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