Humidity Sensor with Arduino

              For humidity and temperature reading the DHT22 sensor will be…

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Photocell (LDR) Sensor with Arduino

LDR (light depended resistor) or photocell sensor, when the light falls on this sensor resistance across…

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Flex Sensor with Arduino

The flex sensor also a variable resistor but the Resistance of this sensor changes according to…

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PIR Sensor with Arduino

The PIR (Passive Infrared) sensor widely used for motion detection applications. This is suitable for low…

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Interface ultrasonic sensor HC SR04 with Arduino

Simple Interface ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR 04) with Arduino, The HC-SR 04 is famous ultrasonic range sensor,…

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What is wrong with Arduino

Arduino Hardware What is Arduino? Arduino is a open source platform based on atmel microcontroller, It…

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