Basic Logic Gates Truth table

Last Updated on March 29, 2024

Electronic Logic Gates are used to implement Boolean functions practically. Electronic Logic Gates are comes in Integrated Circuits (IC) package. Almost every electronic logic gates requires Power supply to operate, gets input as Logic 0 and Logic 1 then gives output as Logic 0 and Logic 1.


Logic 0 = LOW = OFF = 0V.

Logic 1 = HIGH = ON = 5V.

Logic gates are takes some time delay to produce output from input. Every Logic Gate operations are stated by its truth table, and it is like a input and corresponding output chart.

Laws of Boolean Algebra

Commutative law

A . B = B . A

A + B = B + A

Associative law

A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C = A + B + C

A(B.C) = (A.B)C = A . B . C

Distributive law

A(B + C) = A.B + A.C

A + (B.C) = (A + B).(A + C)

DeMorgan’s Theorems

DeMorgan’s Theorems

DeMorgan’s Theorem

AND law

A.0 = 0 A.1 = A

A.A = A A.Ā = 0

OR law

A+0 = A A+1 = 1

A+A = A A+Ā = 1




AND gate

and gate truth table

AND gate performs Boolean multiplication between given inputs. It gives Logical High output only when all inputs are High.

OR gate

or gate truth table

OR gate performs Boolean Addition between given inputs. It gives Logical Low output only when all inputs are Low.

NOT gate

not gate truth table

NOT gate performs Boolean Invert or complement of given input, this NOT gate mostly invert single input some times it may in array form. When we give LOW input output of NOT gate will be HIGH and vice versa.

NAND gate

nand gate truth table

NAND gate is a universal logic gate, this gate contains AND gate & NOT gate then gives logical LOW only when all inputs are High.

NOR gate

nor gate truth table

NOR gate is universal logic gate, this gate contains OR gate & NOT gate then gives logical HIGH only when all inputs are Low.

EXOR gate

xor gate truth table

Ex-OR gate may referred as Exclusive OR gate, it gives logical LOW output when both inputs are either Low or High.

EXNOR gate

xnor gate truth table

EX-NOR gate may referred as Exclusive NOR gate, it give complement output of EXOR gate that is, it gives logical HIGH output when both inputs are High or both inputs are LOW.

Logic gates Examples

logic gates symbol

Different kind of logic gates are available, like two input or three input or quad input logic gates. We  can implement these logic gates depends on our digital electronics design.

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