We need DC Regulated Power supply for Most electronic components to function properly, 5V DC supply…
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AC to DC 12V Regulated Power supply
In Many electronic projects output actuators or output device needs 12 volt regulated power supply like,…
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Acoustic-wave generator
Acoustic-wave generator Circuit produce different types of sound waves by using various components like Resistor, Capacitor,…
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Built your own Running light chaser circuit, This running light chaser circuit consist of IC555 timer…
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Interface ultrasonic sensor HC SR04 with Arduino
Simple Interface ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR 04) with Arduino, The HC-SR 04 is famous ultrasonic range sensor,…
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Make your own work bench
Make yourself comfortable by the simple workbench, for to handle electronics and circuits we need some…
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Calculating Resistance is easy
How to Calculate Resistor Value? Calculating Resistance is easy and simple, yes you can observe the…
Continue ReadingFive Reasons to be a electronics engineer
Why you are an electronics Engineer? Ask the question yourself. I have asked the same question…
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