Last Updated on March 16, 2024
Boost Converter Circuit 555 is designed based on timer IC 555 and few easy to avail external components. This circuit is designed to provide 9 Volt output from 3 volt input power supply. If you need high voltage from 3 volt battery you can use this circuit to boost supply voltage.
In this boost converter circuit Timer IC 555 configured in Astable multivibrator mode and we can adjust the output voltage by varying the output pulse frequency of timer IC.
Circuit Diagram
Components Required
- Timer IC 555
- Transistor BC547 NPN
- Diode 1N4007
- Variable Resistor 20KΩ
- Resistor 1KΩ, 330Ω each one
- Capacitor 470pF, 0.01µF, 0.1µF each one
- Inductor 80µH
Construction & Working
Timer IC 555 is configured in Astable multivibrator mode to produce Continuous pulse output, by the value of RV1 variable resistor we can increase or decrease the output pulse frequency.

Here RA = R1, RB = RV1 and C = C1.
Output pulse from the timer IC is applied to the transistor base (Q1), here transistor Q1 acts as a switch, Collector terminal of Q1 is connected to the positive power supply through Inductor L1 and emitter terminal is connected to the negative supply. Boosted output voltage is taken from the L1 and Q1 meet point and then Rectified by the diode D1. C3 capacitor removes ripples and noise from the output voltage.
Timer IC 555 Pin Configuration

Here we used Dual in line package 8 Pin 555 IC. Operating voltage range of this IC range from 3V to 12V.
Transistor BC547 Pin diagram
BC547 is a Three terminal two junction NPN transistor, BC547 is most suitable for general purpose amplification, switching applications.
By changing the potentiometer I need to set 5 values and find the output voltage given on the circuit, can you help me
I need to convert 3v to 5v, what do i modify in this circuit?
Hello, can i replace the BC547 transistor with the IRF3205 MOSFET?
What about the output ampier.
Maximum output rate
The BC547 is only capable of 100mA so this would be a low current application
You need to find an IC that functions like the 555 but runs on 3v instead of 5.
Para aumentar amperagem saída, alterar o indutor L1 (pode fabricar um enrolando 25 voltas de fio num ferrite tipo toroide , muito comum em fonte chaveada ou circuito de lâmpada fluorescente compacta) , colocar tip31 no lugar de bc547 e alterar c3 para 1000uF