5V Power Supply Circuit is the common and most required circuit for electronic devices and digital…
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3.3V DC Power Supply Circuit by Using L78L33
Digital Circuits and CMOS Logic Circuits are widely uses 3.3V DC as a Operating Power supply.…
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12 Volt Regulated power supply circuit using zener diode
Here this circuit constructed with bridge rectifier and zener regulator. we can use this circuit as…
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USB based zener diode regulator circuit
Regulated power supplies are essential for every electronic circuits, prototypes and element testing, imagine you are…
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USB power mobile charger circuit
The USB power mobile charger circuit constructed by using zener diode (4.7V/400mW) and switching transistor SL100.…
Continue ReadingSimple Regulated DC without Regulator IC
Simple Regulated DC without Regulator IC, Yes here is the Simple Regulated DC supply circuit without…
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