Last Updated on December 11, 2024
We know the importance of Timers and Oscillators in the circuit design. For pulse Generation, making Delay, Oscillations we use Timer IC 555. Due to its capability and easy to design characters Timer IC 555 is the ready to go solution for circuit design engineers for several decades.
Even if you search the whole internet, you can’t find alternative to the versatile Timer IC 555., But Microchip Technology cleverly moved little further by bringing Timer IC in a new replication called MIC1555 IttyBitty RC Timer/Oscillator. We can take it as a modern evolution of the classic 555 timer with compact size, design scale and power efficiency.
MIC1555 Pinout
As per their data sheet claim ” The MIC1555 IttyBitty CMOS RC timer/oscillator and MIC1557 are designed to provide rail to rail pulse for precise time delay or frequency generation. These two IC’s works similar tor the standard 555 timer without a frequency control (FC) pin that is Discharge pin. This MIC1555 can be used as an Astable Multivibrator and monostable multivibrator with separate threshold and trigger inputs”. Refer datasheet for more information:
Lets discuss the characteristics of Timer IC555 and MIC1555,
Operating Voltage Range: Timer IC 555 Operates within a supply voltage range of +4.5V to +15V. MIC1555 Has a wider operating range of +2.7V to +18V.
Power Consumption: Timer IC 555 Power consumption ranges from 3 mA to 10 mA depending on the supply voltage. MIC1555 Consumes as little as 200 μA in active mode and <1 μA in shutdown mode. So it can be used for ultra-low-power applications, making it perfect for IoT devices and portable electronics.
Package Size: Timer IC 555 Available in traditional DIP-8 and SO-8 packages. MIC1555 Available in ultra-thin UTDFN (2 mm × 2 mm × 0.4 mm) and SOT-23 packages. So that it can be used for space constrained designs and miniature devices.
Timing Precision: MIC1555 provides better timing precision than Timer IC 555.
Output Characteristics: Timer IC 555 Output is not rail-to-rail and can exhibit significant voltage drop. MIC1555 Features rail-to-rail output with minimal voltage drop that is <0.3V at 20 mA sink current.
When its comes to price and availability MIC1555 have to travel long to beat traditional champion Timer IC 555. Let’s wait and see!