Making Electronics projects is a fun, learning and useful activity. Here is the best example, Simple…
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Simple and easy to read tutorials for electronics circuits and Electronics projects for Professionals, makers and students-find every electronics circuit diagram here., From beginner-friendly circuits to advanced innovations, find inspiration and resources to fuel your passion for electronic experimentation and making.

12V Battery Charger Circuit with 555 Timer
Rechargeable Batteries like Lead-Acid Batteries, Sealed Lead-Acid (SLA) Batteries and Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd) Batteries requires frequent charging…
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Negative Reference Voltage Generator Circuit using MAX6125 and MAX828
Negative Reference Voltage Generator Circuit designed by using simple charge-pump inverter and a positive output voltage…
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LED Dimmer Circuit using Timer IC 555 and BC547
LED Dimmer Lights are very useful For Indication, Warning sign, and some lighting applications. To build…
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LED Flasher Circuit using BC547
We always want to build LED Flasher circuit for home decoration or for warning sign or…
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Mini Fan Circuit
Making USB Rechargeable Mini Fan Circuit is Very easy than you think, Of course its funny…
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Adjustable 35V Dual Power Supply Circuit
Adjustable 35V Dual Power Supply Circuit with 3 Amps output current range designed by using Positive…
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ASK RF Module circuit diagram
The 433MHz RF Tx Rx module (Transmitter and Receiver modules) possesses the capability to transmit data…
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Simple Wireless LED Circuit
Simple Wireless LED Circuit build by using Timer IC 555 and buck/boost regulator IC MC34063, it…
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Dual Input Li ion Battery Charger Circuit
Li-ion Batteries are commonly used in various electronic devices and it require a controlled charging process…
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